These are the most frequent questions we get asked about our paint stripping services. Take a look and see if we have answered yours. If not, feel free to call us or email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer to your question. Thank you for your interest!
What type of metal can you strip?
We can strip a variety of metals, we prefer STEEL, that is the easiest and lowest cost for us to do.
Can you do Sandblasting?
Our blasting process for most parts is not done with sand, the result is a better finish with a rust inhibitor on your part as an added bonus. Large parts, like a fence, would be done with sand in a hand blasting room.
Can you paint my parts after they are stripped?
Yes we can have your parts painted with industrial quality POWDER PAINT. Which would provide a very durable long lasting finish. Available in many colors and finishes, Gloss, Satin, Matte, etc..
I have a set of car rims, can you strip them?
Yes we can, we have a variety of options available for wheels, based on if they are steel or aluminum.
I have some old patio furniture I would like to have re-finished, can you do that?
Yes, we do many, many sets of patio furniture, lawn ornaments, swings, gliders, balconies, etc.. We can strip it and have it ready for paint or we can re-painted it for you too!